
a win win partnership

Medipim has grown to become the most extensive online database of drugs, cosmetics and healthcare products exclusively available for medical professionals in Belgium. While at first Medipim was limited to a Photography databased, today it contains quite a lot of product data.

Who is behind Medipim?

Back in 2012 we found it very remarkable that all pharmacies in Belgium are using the same product codes. With the digitalisation of that commerce ahead of us, we decided to take the initiative and create packshots of all those products. Soon Febelco and MWS joined our initiative, we founded a new company together.

Now in 2021, we want to take the project to the next level, upscale and bring the initiative to Europe.

Medipim makes life easier for all medical professionals keen to use technology to better serve their patients.

Medipim is used in websites, webshops, apps, online applications and software applications.

How can you use Medipim?

Medipim is an online platform that you can consult wherever and whenever you want: on your smartphone, on a tablet, laptop or desktop. Thanks to the extensive API, the database can also be integrated in any open or closed platform, such as your software package, web shop, website or app. The only condition for using Medipim is that you are a medical professional.